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The Rise Of The Ageing Adventurer: The Thrilling Twilight Years

Some are searching for the adventure of a lifetime. Others have enjoyed a lifetime of adventure. It’s happening worldwide, and in Australia, there has been a shift in senior travel trends. Fifty-eight percent of Australian seniors are looking for holidays with less chill and more thrill. Life as a senior citizen can be an adventure. Baby boomers who have been active since they were kids aren’t willing to slow down just because they’re older, and bucket list trips are popular among seniors who love adventure. For those who refuse to sit still, there’s no shortage of adventures that await them. Whether you have courage, stamina, or just plain curiosity, the perfect adventures for you are closer than you think. 

Add time to your life with time outdoors

Having a sense of adventure can keep seniors physically healthy, as being outside is wildly beneficial for seniors: it improves sleep and immune function, boosts overall health, and can help maintain healthy vitamin D levels. There are seniors who have lowered their blood pressure, lost weight, and reversed diabetes and other lifestyle diseases simply by finding an outdoor activity or adventure that they enjoyed and incorporating it into their lives.

Take a cruise

Cruises appeal to retirees. And why wouldn’t they? Cruises allow seniors to travel and visit different destinations without worrying about lodging and food. They also give seniors more options than ever before, from wine tastings and art programmes to tango lessons and board games. In the past, older people may have been deterred from international travel because of physical limitations, but cruises give them easy access to Europe and other countries with just a short flight. A cruise is an excellent holiday choice, but be careful when choosing river cruises – they are not easy for seniors with mobility problems.

Try a ‘soft adventure’

Adventures aren’t just for hardcore adrenaline junkies anymore. National Seniors Australia chief executive Michael O’Neill says that “soft adventures” are growing more and more popular with seniors aged 60 to 80. “Soft adventure” is an outdoor or recreational adventure that requires little or no experience and is low risk, which makes it perfect for seniors. Another benefit of “soft adventure” is that it does not necessarily require travel and can be reasonably inexpensive. Is there a nature trail near your home? Do you own a bicycle? What about a local museum you’ve been dying to visit? These “soft adventures” can be arranged easily and are excellent physical activities that you don’t have to risk life and limb for.

Your senior years should be just as adventurous as your younger life was. Who knows? Maybe your greatest adventures are in your future. For seniors who love adventure, the best could be yet to come.

[Guest Post by Jennifer Dawson.]

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