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Tourism campaign to tell the world Queensland’s open for business

The Palaszczuk Government will invest an extra $1 million to promote North Queensland and support tourism businesses in the wake of the recent monsoon.

Tourism Industry Development Minister Kate Jones said the marketing investment, via Tourism and Events Queensland, would be used to promote Townsville, the Whitsundays and Tropical North Queensland.

“What we’ve seen in North Queensland, especially Townsville over the past two weeks has been truly devastating,” she said.

“But the clean-up has well and truly begun and now it’s time to help the region get back on its feet.

“Townsville, the Whitsundays and Tropical North Queensland are three of our most important destinations for tourists. The tourism industry is vital in these regions, supporting thousands of local jobs and pumping millions into the economy.

“This investment will be used by the regional tourism organisations, in close collaboration with Tourism and Events Queensland, to market all three destinations in key domestic markets and ensure travellers know we’re ready to welcome them again.

“It’s especially important heading into the Easter break in April and into the winter months, when people living in the cold southern states dream of escaping to the warm, tropical climate of north Queensland.

“Taking a holiday in Townsville, the Whitsundays or Tropical North Queensland is the perfect way to help those people and businesses who have been hard hit by the floodwaters.”

Member for Townsville Scott Stewart said the marketing support reinforced the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment to tourism in Queensland.

“It’s crucial that we work quickly to help businesses in north Queensland recover from the floods – that’s what makes today’s announcement so important,” she said.

“Tourism is a $25 billion industry for Queensland, supporting 217,000 jobs. This sector has boomed under the Palaszczuk Government.

“We’re working hard to ensure these numbers continue to grow, particularly in north Queensland.”

Tourism Industry Development Minister Kate Jones said today’s announcement comes after the government recently announced additional marketing support for the Whitsundays for a campaign to coincide with the re-opening of several resort islands after Cyclone Debbie.

“We’ll continue to work hard to ensure we support the industry, through good times and bad, because we understand that a healthy tourism industry plays a major role in a strong Queensland economy.”

Patricia O’Callaghan CEO Townsville Enterprise welcomed this announcement.

“The support from the Queensland Government will assist Townsville Enterprise to spread the word we are open for business,” she said.

“We will work with our tourism operators, airline partners and Tourism and Events Queensland to re-enforce the unique reef, rainforest, outback and island experiences we have on our doorstep across Townsville North Queensland to welcome visitors back to the region.”

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