Kilian Jornet's last movie arrives to Australia and New Zealand

Editor 14.05.2019

Kilian’s Jornet last film, Path to Everest, arrives in more than 160 cinemas in Australia and New Zealand. Starting May 8th, the movie will be screened in cities like Sydney, Brisbane or Adelaide in Australia and Wellington, Wanaka or Dunedin in New Zealand. Path to Everest explores Kilian’s Jornet journey that leads him to complete a double ascent of Everest in 2017 without oxygen or assistance.

After being screened in over 70 cities in Spain with more than 27.000 spectators and more than 4.000 around Europe, the movie crosses borders and lands in Australia and New Zealand. To check the screenings and purchase tickets:


New Zealand:

For those outside Australia and New Zealand, the movie is also available online in