4th Australian MTB Summit 4 - 5 December 2017

Editor 09.11.2017

Following three successful events, Mt Buller will once again host the Australian Mountain Bike Summit on 4-5 December 2017. This conference is unique in Australia, dedicated purely to the needs of the mountain bike industry, covering issues, emerging trends and opportunities that are relevant to those who are either active in or looking to become more involved in this space.

The Summit will offer a two-day program featuring national and international guests covering a new range of topics. There will also be some great networking activities and even more scheduled rides.

This year’s speakers include:

  • Russel Garlick, TrailFund NZ
  • Jen & Michael Geale – Mountain Bikes Direct
  • Jeff Moore & Fanie Kok, Specialized
  • Simon Kean, Trailcare
  • Jason Dover – Cape to Cape & Port to Port events
  • Simon French, Dirt Art
  • Jason English, MTB educator & 24-hour champion
  • Evan James, MTBA

Registration details and a draft schedule of the Summit available here