
Want to own your own Australia’s cheapest Island? Worthington Island must be sold.

You could own your very own island, just off the coast of Queensland for around half the median house price in most major cities in Australia.

How much? Just $385,000.00

This well priced Island is ready to go, somewhat simple in its accommodation, however, that what makes this island so unique, the rustic layout and the functionality make Worthington Island one of the best-priced Islands on the market.

The island is not too far from Gladstone Airport with a 30min boat ride direct to the island. The home is approximately 9 x 4.3 meters with a side awning of 9 x3 meters and a front awning 6.2 x 4.3 meters with a shower area, lockable access door, gas stove, 240v fridge and deep freezer including 240v power points for your appliances and a circuit breaker.

There are 3 x solar power panels on the roof, and wind generator, welder and all sorts of machinery to keep this once self-funding farm alive.

There are 18 x mango trees, 1 x Carambola tree, beekeeping boxes (active) and plenty of natural flora and fauna. Orchids (once the lifeblood of the island) are scattered all over the island, and resurrection of the orchard farm element would help generate an income offsetting any costs.

The house has bee boxes, but the bees have disappeared into the native habitat.

Need more info? Contact the agent here.

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