Product Review: Red Original Pro Change Jacket
If I could recommend ONE thing for all paddlers, surfers – anyone who loves the water, to purchase before next winter, it’s the Red Original Pro Change Jacket.
WOW. I actually tested this out on a recent rainy day and loved it. This is definitely the best thing since kayaks were invented, but it doesn’t matter what your flavour sport is – if you love to get out no matter the weather, this is the ultimate jacket. Basically, it fits so loosely (and is so warm) you don’t have to freeze when you take off your wetsuit or change from your wet clothes. It acts like a blanket, that doesn’t fall off! And you can just wear it straight home.
It’s super warm, gets you dry like a towel, and it looks great as well. It’s great for men, women, kayaking, surfing, fishing, camping – the options are endless. You could even keep the kids rugged up in it. We love it and highly recommend it! I can’t wait to take it to NZ in winter 2019