2017 Global Adventure Ranking

Editor 24.08.2017

2017 Global Adventure Ranking

Australia has come in second on the list of the world’s most adventurous country per capita, with a number 1 position for rock climbing, surfing and skydiving!

Adventure junkies take note! Peer-to-peer motorhome rental platform SHAREaCAMPER have released a recent study which explores which country has the most adventure seeking citizens per capita.

As a company focussed on helping travellers plan their driving adventure, SHAREaCAMPER, undertook the study to better inform thrill seekers where in the world they might find kindred travel buddies.

The Netherlands tops the most adventurous country list per capita, followed closely by Australia which scored top rankings for rock climbing, skydiving and surfing, and third place was taken out by Sweden. The study presents a global insight into which adventure sports are popular in which country, and SHAREaCAMPER chose eight of the most popular adventurous activities which were BMX, bungee jumping, skydiving, hiking, rock climbing, surfing, skiing and caravanning.

The study was based on research through Google which searched volume for keywords associated with these activities in the last twelve months. These figures were then ranked, first by the number of searches averaged per 100,000 citizens in each country. Then, the second ranking is reflective of the actual number of searches, to give an accurate indication of the amount of people searching.

“Both our caravan owners and renters are adventurers at heart,” states SHAREaCAMPER CEO, Florian Dahlmann. “Although our we are based in Germany, Australia and New Zealand, knowing where to find adventurous people across the world is interesting for ourselves and any other business that thrives on adventure.”

The USA placed first for total searches, followed by Germany and France.

Further findings of interest from the ranking include:

 Surfing is the most popular in Australia per capita, whilst the USA has the highest number of searches per month for the activity.
 Rock climbing is most popular per capita in Australia, whilst the USA has the highest number of searches per month for the activity.
 BMXing is most popular in France per capita, whilst the USA has the highest number of searches per month for the sport.
 Bungee jumping is most popular per capita in Switzerland, whilst the USA has the highest number of searches per month for the activity.
 Caravanning is most popular per capita in the Netherlands, whilst the USA has the highest number of searches per month for the activity.
 Hiking is most popular in India, for both overall searches and searches by capita.
 Skiing is most popular in Norway, and the USA has the highest number of searches per month for the sport.
 Skydiving is most popular per capita in Australia, and the USA has the highest number of searches per month.


Ranking for Australia
Activity Per 100,000 Citizens Total Searches
BMX 18 13
Bungy Jumping 3 9
Caravanning 2 4
Hiking 7 5
Rock Climbing 1 4
Skiing 19 17
Skydiving 1 7
Surfing 1 3
Overall 2 4

*In total, 40 countries were ranked; you can access them all by visiting the results page.

For the full list of results please visit the results page: https://www.shareacamper.com.au/global-adventure-ranking/


The 10 most and least Adventurous Countries were:

Divided Per 100,000 Citizens Total Searches
Country Rank Country Rank
Netherlands 1 USA 1
Australia 2 Germany 2
Sweden 3 France 3
Germany 4 Australia 4
France 5 India 5
Denmark 6 Netherlands 6
Norway 7 UK 7
UK 8 Spain 8
USA 9 Sweden 9
Austria 10 Italy 10



The full table of results:

BMX Bungy Jumping Caravanning Trekking Rock Climbing Skiing Skydiving Surfing All
# Country 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total 100 Total
1 Netherlands 19 15 16 19 1 5 9 9 32 33 15 18 17 17 18 21 1 6
2 Australia 18 13 3 9 2 4 7 5 1 4 19 17 1 7 1 3 2 4
3 Sweden 13 22 19 26 3 8 23 32 22 25 6 10 20 29 6 15 3 9
4 Germany 5 4 15 7 4 2 25 7 3 3 8 3 16 4 28 9 4 2
5 France 1 2 7 3 5 3 6 3 2 2 2 2 6 3 24 10 5 3
6 Denmark 23 29 9 30 6 11 14 31 19 32 4 14 5 19 13 29 6 14
7 Norway 21 30 28 37 7 14 16 35 11 21 1 9 15 36 14 31 7 18
8 UK 2 3 14 8 8 6 15 4 5 5 10 4 3 2 29 13 8 7
9 USA 7 1 18 1 9 1 3 2 6 1 7 1 2 1 4 1 9 1
10 Austria 26 31 4 20 10 12 11 19 7 13 5 13 23 33 26 30 10 15
11 Spain 6 5 22 10 11 7 29 14 4 6 11 8 25 11 2 4 11 8
12 Switzerland 15 26 1 14 13 16 8 17 8 15 3 5 10 25 15 26 12 16
13 Finland 14 27 8 33 12 20 17 33 29 37 17 30 27 37 30 35 13 24
14 Belgium 10 20 34 35 14 13 21 28 15 17 12 19 14 21 20 24 14 17
15 Portugal 8 16 20 25 15 15 13 22 24 28 27 29 12 20 3 11 15 19
16 New Zealand 22 34 2 23 17 22 10 25 9 20 14 28 4 24 7 20 16 27
17 Italy 25 9 6 4 16 9 30 13 17 11 21 11 18 9 11 8 17 10
18 Canada 24 14 21 13 18 10 12 6 10 8 9 6 11 8 17 17 18 11
19 Greece 17 23 10 22 19 18 28 34 13 18 28 31 24 31 25 27 19 22
20 Ireland 31 37 26 36 20 24 20 36 16 29 20 33 9 32 12 32 20 33
21 Latvia 3 28 23 38 23 34 22 39 33 40 22 39 30 40 22 37 21 38
22 Estonia 4 36 24 39 24 39 26 40 27 39 16 40 21 39 10 36 22 40
23 Czech Republic 9 17 5 18 22 28 24 30 25 30 18 23 22 30 16 23 23 28
24 Poland 20 10 17 11 21 19 32 21 35 26 23 16 29 13 19 16 24 21
25 Hungary 12 24 12 24 25 31 19 26 23 31 13 21 19 28 31 34 25 34
26 Singapore 32 38 11 32 29 36 5 20 12 22 24 35 8 26 23 33 26 36
27 UAE 36 39 25 31 32 37 2 8 28 35 30 34 7 16 39 38 27 35
28 India 40 19 38 2 40 26 1 1 38 9 40 15 40 6 37 12 28 5
29 Argentina 16 8 29 15 38 32 27 15 20 14 31 20 31 14 9 7 29 25
30 Hong Kong 34 40 30 34 33 38 4 16 18 27 29 37 13 27 38 39 30 37
31 Japan 33 11 27 5 30 23 33 10 14 7 26 7 26 5 8 5 31 13
32 Colombia 11 7 32 16 39 35 35 27 21 16 35 26 32 15 21 14 32 26
33 Brazil 38 18 40 29 26 17 40 23 31 10 39 32 39 23 5 2 33 12
34 Mexico 27 6 35 12 28 21 37 18 26 12 37 24 33 10 27 6 34 20
35 Turkey 30 12 13 6 34 29 31 11 37 23 25 12 34 12 32 18 35 23
36 Malaysia 28 21 31 21 36 33 18 12 36 34 33 25 28 18 34 25 36 30
37 Tunisia 29 33 39 40 37 40 36 38 39 38 32 36 36 38 40 40 37 39
38 South Korea 39 35 36 27 27 25 39 37 40 36 36 27 37 34 35 22 38 29
39 South Africa 37 32 33 17 31 27 34 24 34 24 38 38 35 22 33 19 39 31
40 Thailand 35 25 37 28 35 30 38 29 30 19 34 22 38 35 36 28 40 32